Meet the Flock
In Aug 2020, our flock was devastated by a local predator. All that remained were 4. Over a few weeks, we added a number to our flock, hoping they gel for a great winter together when they spend most of their time in the coop.
Our flock is comprised of several breeds, all about the same age. They are completely free range on the hobby farm. There is non GMO chicken feed always available for them, but they primarily forge and eat all our yummy food scraps (with the exception of certain things). When they aren't rummaging around in the compost pile, they enjoy roaming the large yard and the orchard area looking for bugs and other things to eat. They are often seen hanging around under the bird feeders for a quick snack. Its fun to watch them stand in the creek to get a drink and enjoy the water on a hot day.
We share all kinds of videos on Instagram.
Littlefoot, Barred Plymouth Rock April 2020 We picked up Littlefoot in April of 2020, she was only 3 weeks old. This was our first time having a chick so small. And what an experience. She has become a very curious and chatty little lady. It's fun watching her chase flies around the farm. Littlefoot lays small white eggs and the oldest in the flock. |
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Salty, Rooster born 2020 He started as Salt n' Pepper when we didn’t know it was a rooster. Now he goes by Salty or SaltyDog and loves a good pet, laying down any and everywhere and keeping an eye on the flock. |
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Tiffany, Ameraucana born 2020 Tiffany loves chasing bugs in the orchard and night time snuggles on the roost! |
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3 Lavender Orpingtons born 2020 These three have blue silvery feathers and they look like lavender. They immediately integrated well with the flock. The three are not keen on pets, but will come close for snacks. |
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Guinea Hens These little flea, tick and fly eaters are the most annoying things ever. They are ugly, loud, constant and full of energy. They have a job, and it’s to eat the things that make the summer less enjoyable. We’ll see how they do this summer before we make big decisions about their addition to the flock. |
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Prince and Honey, Belgian Bearded d'Uccle Belgian Bearded d'Uccle is a breed of miniature chickens. We didn’t intend to get them but Prince was ‘too ugly’ to show because he has a crooked beak. Mike’s heart melted and he decided to bring them home. With Price came two tiny chicks. Unfortunately, one was picked up by a hawk in her first few weeks with us. Lucky hawk. Prince and Honey are basically like their own flock. Price and Salty have an understanding and seem to have a really great partnership. When honey was a chick, she was very scared of the others. We’ve given them a safe space in the coop where no other chickens can fit to be sure they weren’t being picked on. We have seen both sitting on the roost at night with the whole flock, but they are often by themselves in their safe space. |
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